Binary Reverse Engineering And Analysis (2021)

Course 1 - Introduction and Black-box binary analysis (16-02-2021)

Course 2 - x86_64 assembly (23-02-2021)

Course 3 - Static Analysis: File formats and IDA (02-03-2021)

Course 4 - Dynamic Analysis: x64dbg and gdb/peda (09-03-2021)

Course 5 - Stack frames 101 (16-03-2021)

Course 6 - Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and Return Oriented Programming (ROP) (23-03-2021)

Course 7 - Various mitigation techniques: RELRO, SSP, PIE (30-03-2021)

Course 8 - Heap Exploitation on Linux (06-04-2021)

Course 9 - Reverse Engineering for Other Binaries/Other Programming Languages (16-04-2021)

Course 10 - Other Topics in Exploitation (20-04-2021)