RE lab 08 - Heap Exploitation

Lab files and setup

Download the lab files from here. The archive password is infected.

Useful pwngdb commands

gdb-peda$ tracemalloc on
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7ffff7a782d0: file malloc.c, line 3521.
Breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7a76c60: file malloc.c, line 4139.
Breakpoint 3 at 0x7ffff7a79490: file malloc.c, line 4663.
Breakpoint 4 at 0x7ffff7a796e0: file malloc.c, line 4502.
gdb-peda$ c
malloc(0x1000)                 = 0x4052e0
malloc(0x68)                   = 0x4062f0
malloc(0x3039)                 = 0x406360
gdb-peda$ parseheap 
addr                prev                size                 status              fd                bk
0x405000            0x0                 0x250                Used                None              None
0x405250            0x0                 0x80                 Used                None              None
0x4052d0            0x0                 0x1010               Used                None              None
0x4062e0            0x0                 0x70                 Used                None              None
0x406350            0x0                 0x3050               Used                None              None
gdb-peda$ heapinfo
(0x20)     fastbin[0]: 0x0
(0x30)     fastbin[1]: 0x0
(0x40)     fastbin[2]: 0x0
(0x50)     fastbin[3]: 0x0
(0x60)     fastbin[4]: 0x0
(0x70)     fastbin[5]: 0x0
(0x80)     fastbin[6]: 0x0
                  top: 0x4093a0 (size : 0x1cc60) 
       last_remainder: 0x0 (size : 0x0) 
            unsortbin: 0x0
(0x80)   tcache_entry[6]: 0x405260


Task 1

Task 2