Assignment 2 - Web Server Research and Compromise


To test your knowledge and understanding of the subjects discussed in labs 5-7, you are given a web server binary and a target instance.

You will first conduct reverse engineering to find out its secrets. In so doing, you will also investigate its security and find exploitable vulnerabilities.

Finally, to show the impact of the vulnerability and the necessity of securing the application, you will create an exploit that fully compromises the computer that hosts the web server.

Task resources

Download from here. The 7z archive password is infected and has the following contents:

Objectives and grading


What to send


The assignment can be solved until the 25th of April, 23:59 (hard deadline)

Fair play

Do not cheat! Do not post the task text or files on any sort of public/private collaboration platform (forums, groups, etc). Do not ask someone else to solve it for you as it might be the case that you will be randomly asked about various aspects from your solution and you should be able to answer.

Any cheating attempts will result in a 0 grade for this Assignment.


You can ask questions (by mail) regarding the tasks in any of the labs so far. However, really specific questions regarding the assignment tasks will probably not be answered. These are for you to answer by manual analysis.